Poll: He told the dog to lay down.

He told the dog to lay down.

This sentence is fine in standard English.
This sentence is fine in regional English.
This sentence is incorrect.

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This Poll:

  • Votes: 469
  • Comments: 6
  • Added: December 2006



'lie' is present tense 'lay' is past tense so in this context 'lay' is incorrect


I'm gonna go "lay" down, that sounds present tense to me, I'm gonna go "lie" down does also

Victoria Warren

lay is a transitive verb meaning put or place eg Lay the book on the desk.
lay, laid, laid

lie is intransitive meaning recline or situate eg. I'm going to lie down.
lie, lay, lain


According to Macmillan English Dictionary 5 [intransitive] spoken a way of saying �lie�, meaning to have your body in a flat position, that many people think is incorrect


It would be wrong if by using that sentence we intend saying "sit down" (instead of lay down)


the answer is A

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