Poll: I was ____ the point of giving up on them when they arrived.

I was ____ the point of giving up on them when they arrived.

at [American English speaker]
at [British English speaker]
on [American English speaker]
on [British English speaker]

Statistics Poll Stats

This Poll:

  • Votes: 440
  • Comments: 5
  • Added: July 2006



the right answer," at the point" ????


Is there more bristish people, then americans that go on this site?


I would suggest there are more Americans than British visitors here. I chose "at" ('British' English) simply because I didn't like the sound of the repeated "on". Normally I probably would have chosen "on" though.


Perhaps it's best to do a quick mental division to see the ratio between British on/at and American on/at. Seems a larger percentage of Brits find it acceptable to use on as a substitute for at. Personally an 'at' person myself (British).

jabar sathik


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