Phrasal Verbs- In ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
To access this worksheet as an online activity, view our 'Phrasal Verbs- In' exercise.
ESL Worksheet: Phrasal Verbs- In
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - They occupied the building as a protest with a ____-in.
Q2 - It hurt when I failed, and they ____ it in to make things worse.
Q3 - Shareholders and investors will all ____ in the profits.
Q4 - Traffic was ____ in by the accident and nothing was moving.
Q5 - They ____ in drunk at 3am.
Q6 - I didn't want to go out last night, so I ____ in.
Q7 - They always throw a party to ____ in the New Year.
Q8 - They thought they might lose, but they ____ in with a tiny majority.
Q9 - She hated her boss and ____ in her job.
Q10 - The truth about what had happened finally ____ in.
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