Idioms- Animals 2 ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
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ESL Worksheet: Idioms- Animals 2
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - If you bell the cat, you try to do something that is very easy.
Q2 - If someone is abandoned when they are in trouble, they are thrown to the ____.
Q3 - A grease ____ is a slang term for a mechanic.
Q4 - A difficult problem is a ____ of fish.
Q5 - A sitting ____ is an easy target for criticism.
Q6 - Someone who drinks like a fish drinks far too much water.
Q7 - The top ____ is the most important person in a company, organization, etc.
Q8 - If you grab the bull by its tail, you deal directly with a problem.
Q9 - If you have a ____ in your bonnet, you are very excited about something.
Q10 - If you're like a ____ out of water, you are in an uncomfortable situation.
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