Poll: All debts are cleared between you and I.
All debts are cleared between you and I.
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- Votes: 518
- Comments: 6
- Added: January 2006
Id use "All debts are cleared between yourself and I."
<<Id use "All debts are cleared between yourself and I." >>
That's horrible. (Should I assume that "Id" is a typo there?)
No, it should be "All debts are cleared between you and me."
Of course the last pronoun is in the wrong case: It should be "between you and me." However, it is from Shakespeare, and in Shakespeare's day writers didn't pay much attention to niceties of grammar.
Brad,"between you and me" was outlawed only in 1860. "Shakespeare can hardly have violated a rule of formal English grammar, since he and his contemporaries studied Latin grammar, not English. In fact, the rule outlawing between you and I did not get written until the 1860s. It has since become part of standard schoolroom grammar. Writing between you and I is now widely regarded as a sign of ignorance, even though the phrase occurs quite often in speech" (google)
Merchant of Venice- Act III, Scene II