Quiz: Phrasal verbs - Count

This is a intermediate-level quiz containing 10 multichoice quiz questions from our 'phrasal verbs' category. Simply answer all questions and press the 'Grade Me' button to see your score. This exercise is also available as a printable worksheet.

To access the printable version of this quiz, view our 'Phrasal verbs - Count' Worksheet.

Phrasal verbs - Count Quiz

Exercise Instructions: Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - I'm counting ____ the days till the holidays start.
Q2 - She counted ____ £50 in five-pound notes and handed them across.
Q3 - If you're going there tomorrow, count me ____- I'd love to go.
Q4 - You can count me ____- I don't want anything to do with it.
Q5 - Can I count ____ your support?
Q6 - My messing things up last time will count ____ me when they're deciding who should be in charge.
Q7 - Loyalty counts ____ a lot in this company.
Q8 - When the shop closed, we counted ____ the day's takings.
Q9 - I count them ____ my closest friends.
Q10 - I was disappointed because I was counting ____ you to be there for me.
