Idioms- Crime ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
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ESL Worksheet: Idioms- Crime
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - If something is a steal, it costs more than it's worth.
Q2 - If someone is on the lam, they're in prison.
Q3 - Someone who is ____ the run is avoiding capture and arrest.
Q4 - If people are as thick as thieves, they get on very well and know everything about each other.
Q5 - If someone is ____ the dock, they are on trial.
Q6 - If someone commits a crime or does something very wrong and doesn't get caught, they get away with ____.
Q7 - If someone is extremely unsuccessful in a venture, they make out like a bandit.
Q8 - If people leave a restaurant without paying the bill, they do a runner.
Q9 - Something that is very expensive, especially when you have no choice but to pay, is a highway ____.
Q10 - When someone is ____ time, they are in prison.
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