Phrasal verbs - Knock ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
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ESL Worksheet: Phrasal verbs - Knock
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - If a woman is knocked out, she is pregnant.
Q2 - They were making too much noise, so I told them to knock it _____.
Q3 - If you knock an idea around, you examine it very closely and methodically.
Q4 - I try to knock ____ work early on Fridays.
Q5 - They knocked the theatre ____ to build an office block.
Q6 - The boxer won the fight when he knocked his opponent ____ in the third round.
Q7 - They've been knocking ____ thousands of units a week to shops in the area.
Q8 - The teams had a quick knock-____ before the game to warm up.
Q9 - He complained that the police had abused him and knocked him ____.
Q10 - If a car hits someone, it knocks them down.
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