Grammar Check- Adjectives ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
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ESL Worksheet: Grammar Check- Adjectives
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - An attributive adjective comes before a noun.
Q2 - A predicative adjective comes before a noun.
Q3 - We can modify non-gradable adjectives with 'very'.
Q4 - Adjectival nouns usually don't have a plural.
Q5 - Many adjectives ending -ible/able can come either before or after a noun.
Q6 - Many nouns can be used adjectivally.
Q7 - 'Main' is a predicative adjective.
Q8 - Some adjectives end -ly.
Q9 - All adjectives have adverb forms.
Q10 - Adjectives come before words like 'someone'.
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