Phrasal Verbs - Send ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
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ESL Worksheet: Phrasal Verbs - Send
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - I sent ____ for clothes from the mail order company.
Q2 - I couldn't be bothered to cook, so I sent ___ a delivery pizza.
Q3 - The webmaster sent ____ an email to all the forum members.
Q4 - The footballer was sent ___ for kicking another player.
Q5 - I sent the letter ____ yesterday.
Q6 - I sent ____ an electrician to fix the wiring.
Q7 - The police were sent ____ when the protesters got violent.
Q8 - If you want to enter the competition, you have to send ____ for an entry form.
Q9 - The modem didn't work, so I sent it ____.
Q10 - This is a real mess, we'd better send ____ some specialists.
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