Complete & Utter ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
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ESL Worksheet: Complete & Utter
Instructions: Which sounds more natural?
Q1 - She spoke with ____ honesty.
Q2 - It was ____ fear that kept us going.
Q3 - The company has undergone ____ restructuring.
Q4 - The book has ____ analysis of the situation.
Q5 - That's the ____ opposite of what I said.
Q6 - Their excuse was ____ fiction.
Q7 - It was the feeling of ____ helplessness that affected me.
Q8 - He's ____ disgrace
Q9 - It was ____ disaster.
Q10 - They want ____ withdrawal of the armed forces.
Q11 - We were in ____ agreement.
Q12 - They want ____ autonomy.
Q13 - I felt ___ fear.
Q14 - They have made ____ recovery.
Q15 - The public want ____ withdrawal of troops immediately.
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