Lesson Plans & Worksheets: Health & Medicine
Health & Medicine
Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results

Defining medical terms relative clauses practice
Using relative pronouns to explain medical vocabulary activities

Giving Medical Advice- Present Perfect Practice
Practising Present Perfect for past actions with present consequences and medical vocabulary by asking for and giving advice on medical problems that have happened.

Guess the medical problems from the advice
Fun functional language for giving advice and medical vocabulary practice through a guessing game, useful for both medical staff and people who could be patients.

Health and Fitness Vocabulary- Ask and Tell Speaking Game
A fun speaking game where students make questions about healthiness, diseases, exercise, etc then flip a coin to see who should answer, with suggested questions about health and useful medical vocabulary, good for both ESP and General English students.

Health Opinions
Students share what they think about health topics, for health and fitness vocabulary and the language of opinions practice.

Medical Controversies- Vocabulary and Discussion
Students ask for and give opinions on medical controversies based on discussion questions, suggested topics, suggested opinions phrases and more in-depth discussions of mind over body.

Medical English- Present Progressive Mimes
Students act out and guess actions related to health and medicine, with medical English vocabulary synonyms presentation and practice.

Strong and Weak Medical Advice
Strong recommendations and weak recommendations with medical vocabulary speaking, with suggested medical problems to discuss and a functional language presentation.
Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results