Lesson Plans: Learning and Teaching
ESL lesson plans for teachers of the English language. Check out our collection of lesson plans filed under the 'Learning and Teaching' grammar topic.
Learning and Teaching
Showing 1 - 14 of 14 results

Academic Writing Course- First Lesson
Academic writing needs analysis, brainstorming, discussion and initial writing task

Academic Writing- Personal Information
Using personal info in academic bios, applications, etc, discussion and vocabulary.

Body Language and Phrases for Managing Classes
Classroom management gestures and phrases teacher training worksheet.

Fresher Week- Academic Vocabulary Game
Answering questions about academic topics to learn EAP vocabulary

Language Learning Course Case Study
Discussing language to learning to give learner training advice and look at business writing genres

Language Learning Materials Reviews
Writing reviews practice and learner training, including lots of useful language for writing reviews and possible language learning recommendations, especially good for Cambridge exam preparation.

Needs Analysis- Level Check Interview Form
Using a range of tenses to describe language learning needs and experiences

University Application Essays- Which is Better?
Choosing the best (and least bad) way of describing yourself in academic applications

University Application- Great Essays
Discussing what a great academic application is and how to write it

University Applications- Planning Personal Statement
Getting ready to write an academic application essay

University Applications- Tips and Useful Phrases
How to apply for courses and what phrases to use to do so, presented by students choosing good tips and then trying to remember the language related to that advice.
Showing 1 - 14 of 14 results