Plurals of nouns ending -f ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
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ESL Worksheet: Plurals of nouns ending -f
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - What's the plural of 'belief'?
Q2 - What's the plural of 'leaf'?
Q3 - What's the plural of 'roof'?
Q4 - What's the plural of 'scarf'?
Q5 - What's the plural of 'cuff'?
Q6 - What's the plural of 'wolf'?
Q7 - What's the plural of 'loaf'?
Q8 - What's the plural of 'dwarf'?
Q9 - What's the plural of 'brief'?
Q10 - What's the plural of 'cliff'?
Q11 - What's the plural of 'reef'?
Q12 - What's the plural of 'hoof'?
Q13 - What's the plural of 'proof'?
Q14 - What's the plural of 'safe' (a locked, metal cupboard for storing valuables)?
Q15 - What's the plural of 'chief'?
Q16 - What's the plural of 'knife'?
Q17 - What's the plural of 'half'?
Q18 - What's the plural of 'calf'?
Q19 - What's the plural of 'life'?
Q20 - What's the plural of 'thief'?
Q21 - What's the plural of 'wharf'?
Q22 - What's the plural of 'chef'?
Q23 - What's the plural of 'plaintiff'?
Q24 - What's the plural of 'wife'?
Q25 - What's the plural of 'shelf'?
Q26 - What's the plural of 'handkerchief'?
Q27 - What's the plural of 'fifes'?
Q28 - What's the plural of 'giraffe'?
Q29 - What's the plural of 'sheriff'?
Q30 - What's the plural of 'whiff'?
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