Lesson Plans & Worksheets: Numbers
Showing 1 - 31 of 31 results

Architecture- Numbers Review
How to describe architecture with numbers review, with useful architecture vocabulary

Big Numbers- American and British English
How to say hundreds, thousands, millions and billions in the US and UK

Business English- Financial Vocabulary- Numbers Guessing Pairwork
Students give hints until their partners guess exact numbers from the world of finance, then work together to pronounce numbers correcty - with useful financial English collocations.

Different ways of Saying Numbers- Reversi
Students practise the different ways that they might hear numbers pronounced with a memory card game based on Othello, including different ways of saying large and small numbers.

Have with Numbers- Mix and Match
Have and have got and English numbers funny and sensible matches activities.

How Many Are There- Trivia Quiz
Easy general knowledge questions with fun ways of reacting quickly like slapping number cards, also good practice of quickly reading number words.

How Many Board Game
Fun competitive personalised speaking board game, moving around by getting high numbers in replies from your partners.

How many with irregular plurals trivia quiz
Students try to get their partners to choose wrong answers to how many questions, then try to remember the irregular plural nouns that they were just using in their questions, with irregular nouns from Elementary to Advanced.

How many… have? Simple Numbers Quiz
Very simple general knowledge questions with have that students react quickly to in fun ways like slapping cards, also good for developing number word recognition.

Irregular Plurals- Stories
Oral storytelling practice of plurals which do and don't take regular forms, with cards at five levels from A1 to C1, and testing students on how well they remember the plurals that they just used.

Number- Speaking Game
Describing how numbers are used in English games, including cultural differences

Numbers and Spelling Games
Two fun games combining practice of how to pronounce numbers and letters of the alphabet, including a simplified hangman game and a numbers and letters code.

Numbers in English- The Same or Different
Different pronunciations and meanings of numbers review starting with a fun fast reactions game, including how to use small numbers, large numbers, and time expressions.

Numbers- Options for Saying Them
Different ways of saying numbers, including British and American differences

Ordinal Numbers Competitions
Competitive practice of first, second, third, etc, including guessing games, races, personalised speaking, and getting to know their classmates.

Ordinal Numbers Practice
Using first, second, third, fourth, etc to say which one from lists of vocabulary is different, including lots of different useful language.

Ordinal Numbers- Flashcard Memory Games
Practising first, second, third, etc with a vocabulary memory game, including lots of useful vocabulary.

Ordinal Numbers- Spelling Games
Six fun variations on hangman to help practise first, second, third, etc, spelling, and pronouncing the alphabet.

Ordinal Numbers- Trivia Quiz
Students test each other with interesting general knowledge questions that can be answered with first, second, twenty third, etc, followed by a presentatiob of how to pronounce and write ordinal numbers.

Past numbers trivia board game narrative tenses review
Practising narrative tenses with a guessing numbers board game.

Singular and Plural Mimes
Two plural nouns TPR games, with easier plurals, more difficult plurals and words which always take -s like "trousers", with students racting to identify the mime and/ or do suitable actions.

Singular and Plural- Competitions Speaking Game
Singular, regular plural and irregular plural practice through a personal questions game, with points for the right answer, including easier and more challenging versions, a grammar presentation, and one more optional game.

Typical Mistakes with English Numbers- Error Correction Task
Common ways of mispronouncing numbers review, including L1 interference and sounds which are difficult to say and put together.
Showing 1 - 31 of 31 results