Adjective or Adverb? ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
To access this worksheet as an online activity, view our 'Adjective or Adverb?' exercise.
ESL Worksheet: Adjective or Adverb?
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - She played _____.
Q2 - The TV's far too ____.
Q3 - She speaks so very ____.
Q4 - She's a ____learner.
Q5 - I know them quite ____.
Q6 - Check your work ____.
Q7 - I've been having a lot of headaches ____.
Q8 - He's a ____ actor.
Q9 - He should pass the test _____.
Q10 - He's really lazy and _____ tries.
Q11 - The newspapers were very _____ of the scheme.
Q12 - He's ____ill.
Q13 - I don't ____ agree with you.
Q14 - I was _____ shocked.
Q15 - It was a ____ mess.
Q16 - They messed things up ____.
Q17 - It was a ____ day for us all.
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