Adjective or Adverb? ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
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ESL Worksheet: Adjective or Adverb?
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - Lively
Q2 - Orderly
Q3 - Beastly
Q4 - Usually
Q5 - Lately
Q6 - Thirstily
Q7 - Seldom
Q8 - Brotherly
Q9 - Costly
Q10 - Cowardly
Q11 - Vaguely
Q12 - Especially
Q13 - Easily
Q14 - Elderly
Q15 - Overly
Q16 - Fatherly
Q17 - Humanly
Q18 - Humanely
Q19 - Friendly
Q20 - Shyly
Q21 - Holy
Q22 - Ghastly
Q23 - Portly
Q24 - Unseemly
Q25 - Unworldly
Q26 - Unsightly
Q27 - Ghostly
Q28 - Goodly
Q29 - Godly
Q30 - Heavenly
Q31 - Painterly
Q32 - Unruly
Q33 - Ungainly
Q34 - Shapely
Q35 - Homely
Q36 - Deadly
Q37 - Leisurely
Q38 - Fairly
Q39 - Likely
Q40 - Utterly
Q41 - Lonely
Q42 - Lovely
Q43 - Nicely
Q44 - Openly
Q45 - Nearly
Q46 - Bitterly
Q47 - Hurriedly
Q48 - Timely
Q49 - Frankly
Q50 - Entirely
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