Lesson Plans & Worksheets: Time
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101 IELTS Speaking Part Two tasks about the Past, Present and Future
Practising a range of tenses for and by IELTS Speaking Part Two presentations

Adverbs of Frequency- Bluffing Card Game
Lying card game to practise sometimes, usually, never, etc.

Adverbs of frequency- good and taboo questions coin game
Normal and strange small talk questions for adverbs of frequency.

Business English- Time Expressions- Meetings Roleplay
Discussing times in a roleplay meeting speaking practice, with how to pronounce time expressions and prepositions in time expressions presentations

Cambridge Proficiency in English (CPE) Speaking Part Three on the future
Students make and ask each other future questions about past C2 Proficiency speaking topics using real exam question stems.

Countable and Uncountable- compare your days and weeks
Personalised speaking practice of count and non-count nouns on the topic of students' recent lives, including quantifiers with different kinds of nouns presentation.

Dates- Different or the Same?
Students practise different ways of saying dates and common confusions between dates, firstly with a fast reactions The Same or Different game, then classifying the dates, and finally testing each other.

Days and Dates- True or False Game
Students are tested on their understanding of days of the week, months, and other dates, first of all with quick reaction games, including lively TPR variations for young learners.

Days of the Week Flashcards
Memory game to memorise days of the week along with other useful vocabulary.

Days of the Week Projects
Students practice the names of days by surveying the class about different actions on different days, making posters, then vote on the best projects in the class.

Days of the week- Make me say Yes
Students get points for positive answers from personal Present Simple questions with days of the week like "Does your family cook on Sundays?", with more challenging variations for later and better classes.

Days of the Week- Pick and Draw
Students make a draw sensible or silly Present Simple sentences with typical actions and days of the week like "Santa plays soccer on Mondays"

Do You Want Questions Coin Game
Making yes no questions with want more fun with use of a coin and getting points for getting particular answers with well designed questions, also good for times, feelings and weather vocabulary.

FCE (First Certificate in English) Speaking- Past, Present and Future Dice Game
Questions about different topics and times in Cambridge B2 First Speaking game

Frequency Expressions- Ranking and Speaking Card Games
More often and less often time expressions presentation and practice card games, including asking questions to get particular adverbs of frequency and similar expressions with numbers.

Future Forms in IELTS Speaking and Writing
The most common future verb forms in IELTS Speaking, Writing Task One and Writing Task Two review, starting with matching the examples to different parts of the test and then trying to remember them.

Future Things in Common
Personalised speaking practice of a wide range of future verb forms and future time expressions, with students then recalling and analysing the forms they used.

Future Time Expressions Practice- Giving Advice and Recommendations
Students ask for and give advice on the future to practise a wide range of future time expressions, including prepositions of time presentation and practice, and useful language of advice.

Guess the Dates from the Hints
Guessing what date someone is thinking of from hints, including useful vocabulary related to weather, clothes, activities, months and days, ending with language presentations.

Guess the Dates- Warmer Cooler Game
A fun guessing what date the other person is thinking of game, with hints about how wrong they are until they get exactly the right date, including special dates like Valentine's Day, so also good for cultural training.

Guess the Future Time- Predictions Practice
Fun time expressions practice through trying to guess what time someone is imagining the future of, including suggested future time expressions and a presentation stage.

How Often- Trivia Quiz
Student A and Student B worksheets with different how often questions for pairwork guessing games, for practice and presentation of both simple and more complex frequency expressions.

Months and Colours- Mix and Match
Months of the year and colour vocabulary silly and sensible combinations activities.

Months and Dates Vocabulary
Practising vocabulary with a months memory game, including actions vocabulary and ordinal numbers.

Months- Hangman
Students give hints about what month they are thinking of until their partner can spell that month letter by letter in a hangman spelling game, including personalised speaking and suggested descriptions of what happens in particular months.

Names of Months Dominoes
Learning how to read, write and spell the names of months with dominoes games .

Names of Months Flashcard Memory Games
Drilling the names of months with a vocabulary flashcard memory game, including places, sports, weather, food,

Past and Future- Opposites Reversi Memory Game
Students play a fun card game based on Othello to learn similar past time expressions and future time expressions like "two days ago" and "in two days" and past and future tenses.

Past Times- Things in Common
Typical time expressions with narrative tenses personalised speaking game in which students find experiences that they share, including matching times to Past Continuous, Past Perfect, etc.

Politeness in making arrangements and future tenses review
Eliciting the differences between the language of arrangements, plans and predictions by thinking about which is more polite to talk about in negative responses to invitations, also with a little work on other polite/ formal language.

Prepositions of Time- Pairwork Guessing Game
Prepositions in time expressions pairwork guessing game.

Present or Future- Simplest Responses
Listening for if sentences are about the present or future, including Present Continuous for future arrangements.

Present Progressive for the Present and Future- Simplest Responses Game
Present Continuous for actions in progressive and for future arrangements review, starting with a fun quick reactions game. and including contrasts with other present and future tenses.

Present Simple- Time Expressions
Present time expressions questions, things in common and opinions speaking card games, with a prepositions of time grammar presentation.

Put the Dates in Order- Games
Arranging months and dates card games, with optional more challenging and fun variations, followed by writing dates practice.

Questions about Daily Routines- Mix and Match
Actions you do every day vocabulary mixing activities.

Seasonal Trends- Meetings Practice
Fun language of trends practice for the festive season, with trends to explain and discuss, and an optional extension into talking about other festivals and celebrations - good for Business and IELTS classes.

Seasons Vocabulary- Stations Game
Vocabulary related to spring, summer, autumn and winter review, including a fast reactions game, vocabulary such as weather words and months of the year.

The First Time/Last Time Past Tenses- Extended Speaking
Narrative tenses practice through the first time I... and the last time I... mini-presentations and suggested questions in a range of past tenses.

The future in IELTS Speaking
Future forms in IELTS Speaking Parts One, Two and Three questions and answers review.

The Future in IELTS Writing
Different future forms in IELTS Writing Tasks One and Two presentation, with predictions, speculations, and recommendations.

Time Expressions with the Present Simple
Four adverbs of frequency and times with at, in and on speaking card games and grammar presentation, including asking questions to get particular answers and finding shared personal information.

Time Expressions- Same or Different
Similar and different prepositions of time and other past, present and future time expressions.

Time of Day Trivia Quiz
Pairwork general knowledge quiz with interesting questions on times when particular things happen, including extra hints like "A little earlier" and optional controlled practice of twelve and twenty four hour clock times.
Showing 1 - 50 of 54 results