Idioms- Colours\Colors ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
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ESL Worksheet: Idioms- Colours\Colors
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - They caught the thief ____-handed.
Q2 - He got really angry and started screaming ____ murder.
Q3 - She was ____ with anger.
Q4 - I'm overdrawn again- my account's in the ____.
Q5 - The news came out of the ____- it was a real shock to us all.
Q6 - I only ever go there once in a ____ moon.
Q7 - When your bank account's in credit, you are in the ____.
Q8 - It's his first week in the job, so he's really ____.
Q9 - He got angry, the ____ mist came down, and then there was trouble.
Q10 - I was ____ with envy.
Q11 - It was a ____ day for me when I lost my job.
Q12 - A ____ letter day is a special one.
Q13 - A person who is very concerned about the environment is ____.
Q14 - A coward is ____.
Q15 - Forms, paperwork and bureaucracy are sometimes called ___ tape.
Q16 - A ____-eyed boy is somebody's favourite and given preferential treatment.
Q17 - Somebody who is expected to achieve a lot is a great ____ hope.
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