Poll: The brightest future will always be based on the forgotten past.

The brightest future will always be based on the forgotten past.


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This Poll:

  • Votes: 550
  • Comments: 6
  • Added: May 2004


Stuart Jones

Hindsight is an exact science but will only give us insight as to now and foresight as to what could be.

Matt Gaffney

If one's forgotten the past, then he has nothing upon which to base anything. It's cute and catchy, but it's ultimately illogical.


A brilliant person is who stick into his past , believe in it and make everyone pray for it. That is why the forgotten past is a key to the bright future.

michael neto

YOu can forget your past but not the lessons you learned from it


It's an optimistic motto but, it does not apply to each person totally, it really is a controversial issue.


I must blank out my past as I am lost between immensity and enternity.

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