Poll: Who's the greatest linguist of all time?
Who's the greatest linguist of all time?
Poll Stats
This Poll:
- Votes: 696
- Comments: 12
- Added: August 2003
Noam, not Naom Chomsky. Biased? Quite right, that's why I voted for Deborah.
Thank you for spotting the typo; I have corrected it. And, yes, the poll is unbelievably biased. :)
I'm sort of amazed that Noah Webster is in third place, after all the shenanigans he pulled with the English language.
He is a famous linguist in the field of linguistics esp in TG grammar. I am interestes in his universal grammar.
Chomsky is the god father of the transformational grammar he aimed to make grammar seems so flexible and he was followed by many other linguists.
Noam Chomsky? The greatest left-wing pig out there...Classic choice.
I'm so happy that Halliday didn't even get a look in. What a charlatan. As for left-wing pigs, I'll take one of them over a right-wing pig any day.
Chomsky is the best.We have learned much from him.COMPETENCE AND PERFORMANCE PAVED THE WAY TO DIDACTIC APPROACHES AND TO COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE.the planning of courses are based on his thoughts.
Uh... where's David Crystal?
The linguistic insights
Chomsky's contributions to linguistics (TGG, UG, ...) make him the unquestionable leader.
This poll is biased.