Lesson Plans: Quantifiers
ESL lesson plans for teachers of the English language. Check out our collection of lesson plans filed under the 'Quantifiers' grammar topic.
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results

Business English- Problems with Too & Not Enough Presentation and Practice
Discussing solutions to company issues with "too..." and with "not enough", rephrasing sentences with those expressions, then freer problems and solutions speaking.

Some and Any- things in common speaking
Personalised oral practice of some and any by students trying to make sentences that are true for both/ all of them from typical sentence stems, with easy and more tricky uses of some and any.

Talking about problems and solutions with quantifiers
Students practice a wide range of different quantifiers by making up problems and suggesting solutions, with suggested topics and grammar presentation stage.

Too and enough in fixed phrases activities, collocations and proverbs
Too, too many, too much, enough and not enough in common collocations such as proverbs review, good both as models of how to use the quantifiers and as useful fixed phrases.

Too and enough with opposites reversi memory game
Learning adjectives with too and enough with a version of Othello

Too and Enough- Discuss and Agree
Too, too much, too many, enough and not enough practice through sentences to complete together with your opinions, the freer discussion topics.
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results