Lesson Plans: Verbs and Tenses
ESL lesson plans for teachers of the English language. Check out our collection of lesson plans filed under the 'Verbs and Tenses' grammar topic.
Verbs and Tenses, Page: 1
Showing 1 - 50 of 71 results

Be used to & Get used to- Sentence Completion Games
Talking about being and getting accustomed writing and speaking games, including bluffing, finding things in common and guessing.

Be used to and Get used to- Ranking
Strong and weak language with be and get used to doing speaking.

Business English Alibi Game Worksheet
Memory game/ roleplay for past tenses practice, like a business version of the alibi game

Business English Questions- Present Simple and Continuous Game
Present Simple and Continuous business grammar practice and cultural training

Business English- Christmas Cards Do's & Don't's
Practising imperative and linking words for giving reasons by discussing sending Xmas cards to business contacts

Business English- Key Words in Business Writing Tense Review Games
Different tenses in emails and other business writing practised with key words.

Business English- Present Continuous Mimes
Using sounds and actions to present and practise Present Progressive for business students

Business English- Present Simple & Continuous guessing game
Practising present tenses by guessing common business English verbs

Business English- Simple Past of Common Verbs
Past Simple for business classes pronunciation and speaking

Christmas and New Year Tense Review- Mimes
Miming actions connected to the festive season, then talking about them with different tenses

Christmas- Present Simple & Continuous Mimes
Linking present tenses and the festive season with TPR and then personalised speaking

Classroom Instructions- Imperative Mix and Match
Classroom vocabulary and positive and negative imperatives practice through a mix and match card game or foldable storybook.

Describing Social Issues with the Passive Voice
Talking about society with different passive tenses, including a guessing game.

Describing Xmas things with have games
Using have (got) and doesn't have/ hasn't got in a guessing game and brainstorming descriptions game with Christmas vocabulary

Finding patterns in verb patterns
Verbs with similar and opposite meanings that share both taking gerund, both taking infinitive, efc

Have and Don’t Have- Drawing Coin Game
Have possessions practice with a drawing game, flipping a coin to make it more fun and add negative statements practice.

Have and Want- Personalised Guessing Game
Students guess other students' real possessions and desires in a fun card game, with useful vocabulary for describing objects.

Have with Numbers- Mix and Match
Have and have got and English numbers funny and sensible matches activities.

Imperative Practice- Ball Games
Four fun games to practise verb and don't plus verb for orders/ commands/ instructions on the topic of ball games, including competing to come up with ideas and guessing games.

Like and Would Like Bluffing Game
Preferences and desired with like lying game, with food vocabulary and movies vocabulary.

Narrative Tenses- Guess the Year Game
Past tenses guessing game for Past Continuous and Past Perfect Simple and Continuous

Need Analysis- Past, Present & Future Review
First lesson pairwork needs analysis form and link to tense review

New Year- Continuous State Verbs
Verbs that cannot take -ing and will be verb with -ing to talk about the next twelve months

Past and Future- Opposites Reversi Memory Game
Students play a fun card game based on Othello to learn similar past time expressions and future time expressions like "two days ago" and "in two days" and past and future tenses.

Past Progressive Bluffing Card Game
Lying game to practise was/ were + verb+ing, based on the accusations game "Liar"

Past, Present and Future Inventions- Vocabulary and Speaking
ESL lesson plan on past, present, and future inventions. Includes vocabulary, speaking activities, and roleplays.

Past, Present and Future Listening
Listening for what times are being talked about, including a tense review and time expressions review, great for TOEIC Listening preparation.

Pick and Act- Imperatives Card Game
Fun TPR verb and don't + verb practice for giving instructions/ commands/ orders, with students following instructions their classmates make from cards about what to do or not do around the class.

Present or Future- Simplest Responses
Listening for if sentences are about the present or future, including Present Continuous for future arrangements.

Present Simple and Continuous in business communication
Present tenses in business emailing and telephoning practice

Present Tenses- Architecture
Present Simple and Present Continuous to describe being an architect, with useful architecture vocabulary

Requests and Offers in Business Meetings- Imperative Practice
Please + verb for offers and commands/ orders/ instructions presentation through contrasts with the language of requests, for and through the topic of the language of meetings, including error correction and sentence completion.
Showing 1 - 50 of 71 results