Lesson Plans: Nouns
ESL lesson plans for teachers of the English language. Check out our collection of lesson plans filed under the 'Nouns' grammar topic.
Showing 1 - 46 of 46 results

Academic English- Countable and Uncountable Nouns with the Same Meaning
Synonyms of uncountable nouns in EAP

Academic English- Countable and Uncountable Nouns with the Same Root
Deriving both count nouns and non-count nouns from the same academic words

Business English- Setting Up a New Office- Countable & Uncountable Roleplay
How many countable things and how much of uncountable things to put in a new office roleplay discussion, with quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns presentation.

Comparing Places- Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Count and non-count nouns practice by comparing places.

Countable & Uncountable Categories Board Game and Presentation
A fun types of words which are usually countable and uncountable speaking board game which students move around depending on the answers of their partners (without the need for a dice).

Countable & Uncountable Nouns with the Same Meaning
Countable nouns that have the same meaning as uncountable nouns matching game

Countable & Uncountable Nouns- Guessing Game
Countable and uncountable presentation through guessing the place game

Countable & Uncountable Nouns- Inflation Basket Discussion
Students discuss the economics of basic everyday goods for count and non-count nouns practice, including plural and uncountable error correction.

Countable & Uncountable Nouns- Travel Vocabulary
Deciding what to take on your travels countable and uncountable nouns discussion.

Countable & Uncountable- Decide the Amount
Deciding how many/ much countable and uncountable nouns discussion

Countable and Uncountable Nouns Roleplay- A Buffet Lunch
Students plan how much and how many of count and non-count food and drink to include in a multinational lunch, including nouns which are both countable and uncountable with different meanings.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns- Answer Me
A speaking game in which students try to get particular answers with how much and how many questions, including Make Me Say Yes and a card game, good for quantifiers with count and non-count nouns.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns- Kitchen Shopping Roleplay Discussion
Students discuss how to stock a new kitchen with count and non-count food and drink, including practice of
making uncountable nouns countable with words for containers.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns- Roleplays
Roleplay Business English speaking activities for count and non-count nouns practice, including meetings and negotiations situations to act out.

Countable and Uncountable- compare your days and weeks
Personalised speaking practice of count and non-count nouns on the topic of students' recent lives, including quantifiers with different kinds of nouns presentation.

Countable and Uncountable- Language Learning Discussion
Practising count and non-count nouns and learner training as students discuss good ways to learn English, also good practice for the language of advice.

Countable and Uncountable- Pick & Draw
Students make sensible or silly drawings in response to how many or how much questions and answers with there is/ are, countable and uncountable nouns, and prepositions of position.

Countable and Uncountable- Your Week
Students compare how much and how many in their recent lives, for personalised count and non-count nouns speaking practice.

Festivals and celebrations countable and uncountable nouns speaking
Countable and uncountable nouns with a lot of, some, not much, not many, a and not any pairwork speaking, including guessing the festival or celebration and comparing experiecnes with their partner

Food which is both countable and uncountable coin and dice games
Teaching count and non-count with food which can be both with different meanings

Good and bad Valentine’s countable and uncountable speaking
Students decide how much and how many of which things would make a great Valentine's Day, with nouns which are both countable and uncountable with different meanings and quantifiers with different kinds of nouns presentations.

Good and taboo questions with irregular plurals
Students choose, ask, answer, refuse to answer, analyse and make small talk questions with difficult English plurals, with suitable nouns for five different levels of students.

How many with irregular plurals trivia quiz
Students try to get their partners to choose wrong answers to how many questions, then try to remember the irregular plural nouns that they were just using in their questions, with irregular nouns from Elementary to Advanced.

Irregular Plurals Reversi
A fun card game based on Othello to memorise plurals which don't follow regular rules, also good for nouns with difficult to remember singular forms.

Irregular plurals synonyms reversi memory game
Memorising difficult plural nouns card game, based on Othello

Irregular Plurals- Stories
Oral storytelling practice of plurals which do and don't take regular forms, with cards at five levels from A1 to C1, and testing students on how well they remember the plurals that they just used.

Needs Analysis and Countable/Uncountable Presentation
Needs analysis topics and questions to present countable and uncountable nouns.

Nouns that are both Countable & Uncountable
Nouns which are sometimes countable and sometimes uncountable, with different meanings

Nouns that are usually uncountable dictation
Kinds of words that are often uncountable listening game

Nouns which are both Countable and Uncountable- Pictionary
Nouns which have different meanings when they are uncountable and when they are countable review, making the meanings clear and memorable through sketches.

Plurals of Words Ending In -Y Activities
-ys and -ies ending review, including a simplest responses listening game, mazes,

Regular and Irregular Plurals Storytelling
Using irregular plural nouns and regular plural nouns to tell stories.

Simple Irregular and Regular Plurals Presentation
Easy presentation task for irregular plural nouns and regular plural nouns.

Singular and Plural Mimes
Two plural nouns TPR games, with easier plurals, more difficult plurals and words which always take -s like "trousers", with students racting to identify the mime and/ or do suitable actions.

Singular and Plural- Competitions Speaking Game
Singular, regular plural and irregular plural practice through a personal questions game, with points for the right answer, including easier and more challenging versions, a grammar presentation, and one more optional game.

Solutions to countable and uncountable problems- discussion
Problems with countable nouns and problems with uncountable nouns to discuss.

Valentine’s Day options regular and irregular plurals practice
Discussing if one or more is better for Valentine's Day, trying to remember the plural forms, then generalising about how to make regular and irregular plurals from singular nouns

Xmas options irregular plurals practice
Irregular plural nouns speaking and grammar presentation, including discussing the best options for Xmas and useful Xmas vocabulary.
Showing 1 - 46 of 46 results