Parts of Speech 2- Adverbs ESL Worksheet

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ESL Worksheet: Parts of Speech 2- Adverbs

Instructions: What kind of adverb is it?

Q1 - I OFTEN work in the evening
adverb of time
adverb of frequency
Q2 - She tried HARD throughout the course
adverb of degree
adverb of manner
Q3 - She walks QUICKLY
adverb of manner
adverb of frequency
Q4 - She USUALLY arrives before nine o'clock
adverb of time
adverb of frequency
Q5 - I UTTERLY disagree with you
adverb of degree
adverb of manner
Q6 - They SELDOM arrive on time
adverb of frequency
adverb of place
Q7 - My children go to school LOCALLY
adverb of time
adverb of place
Q8 - She finished her exams YESTERDAY
adverb of time
adverb of frequency
Q9 - UNLUCKILY, I dropped it and it broke
Q10 - He opened the box CAREFULLY
adverb of manner
adverb of degree
Q11 - I PARTLY agreed with them
adverb of degree
adverb of manner

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