Phrasal Verbs - Write ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
To access this worksheet as an online activity, view our 'Phrasal Verbs - Write' exercise.
ESL Worksheet: Phrasal Verbs - Write
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - She wrote to me weeks ago and I still haven't replied; I must write ...... to her
Q2 - A lot of viewers wrote ....... to complain about the programme
Q3 - I've finished the rough draft; I just have to write it ....... properly
Q4 - The car was so badly damaged that the insurance company wrote it .....
Q5 - I don't remember where I wrote her number .......; it's on a little piece of paper somewhere
Q6 - The doctor had to write ...... a full report on the incident
Q7 - The restaurant got a very good write-..... from the critics when it opened
Q8 - She took brief notes during the lecture, then wrote them ...... in full in the evening
Q9 - Write the number ..... before you forget it
Q10 - I wrote ..... for a catalogue, but they never sent it
Q11 - They wrote the debt ......., cancelled it, because it was never going to be paid
Q12 - The footballer was written ..... when he broke his leg, but surprised everybody when he came back
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