Lesson Plans & Worksheets: Transport & Travel
Transport & Travel
Showing 1 - 27 of 27 results

Advice for Foreign Travellers- Zero Conditional with Imperatives and Modals
Present Simple and imperative or modal verbs for giving advice, on the topic of travel in your country.

British or American Transport Trivia Quiz
Transportation and transportation vocabulary in the UK and USA review, starting with a pairwork general knowledge quiz.

Cambridge Proficiency in English (CPE)- Speaking Part One on the future
Students ask each other typical C2 Proficiency Speaking Part One questions on future transport and travel, the use the question stems to make other future personal questions on common exam topics.

Countable & Uncountable Nouns- Travel Vocabulary
Deciding what to take on your travels countable and uncountable nouns discussion.

Describing countries with there is/ are games
Using there is and there are to describe and guess different parts of the world

English through History Roleplay- Explorers
Pretending to be people related to historic exploration speaking practice

Giving Directions in British and American English
Easy and then more difficult practice of different directions language in the UK and US, including different names for places.

Giving Directions- Free and Controlled Speaking
Fun creating a town, office, etc through giving directions game, with useful vocabulary for describing places.

Giving Directions- Miming Games
Directions made more memorable, easy to understand and fun through doing actions games, including directions language with similar and different meanings.

Good & Bad Travel English Responses
How to respond and not to respond in the airport, hotels, taxis, etc.

IELTS Speaking Part 2- Transport & Travel
Transport and travel vocabulary and IELTS Speaking practice

Opinions on Travel Vocabulary with Collocations
Practising opinions phrases and travel and transport vocabulary speaking, with travel vocabulary word formation and travel vocabulary collocations.

Prepositions of movement guessing game
Practising through, over, around etc with a guessing game, with descriptions of places

Processes in Planes and Airports- Present and Past Passive Practice
Air travel processes to practise Present Simple Passive and Past Simple Passive, with useful phrases for describing the steps in a process, so also useful for IELTS Academic Writing Task 1.

Travel and Tourism Recommendations- Numbers Practice
Pronouncing numbers, giving advice and travel and tourism vocabulary speaking practice, including students discussing their own real travel suggestions based on typical situations for using numbers.

Travel English Telephone, Email and Face-to-Face Dice Game
Rolling a dice to decide which typical exchange related to travel to roleplay, including practice of typical functional language for travellers like requesting.

Travel English- Imperatives and Requests Practice
Contrasting commands and offers from travel staff with please + verb with requests from travellers with can/ could, including the most common phrases to say and hear while travelling.

Travel English- Simplest Responses and Key Words Games
Staff and travellers phrases listening and speaking practice.

Travel Situations Email and Telephone Roleplays
Distance communications related to travel speaking, with useful travel collocations and functional language phrases brainstorming.

Travel Vocabulary & Roleplays
Typical travel situations to roleplay, with useful transport and travel collocations in the roleplay situations and then in a joining words together task to test students' memory of the vocabulary.
Showing 1 - 27 of 27 results