Phrasal Verbs - Put ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
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ESL Worksheet: Phrasal Verbs - Put
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - She puts ....... £50 a month towards her holiday
Q2 - Jenny rang to say she's ill, but I think she's putting it ........
Q3 - He's a very good speaker and is good at putting his message ........ to an audience
Q4 - The fireman were able to put the fire ...... and we were able to finish our work in peace
Q5 - 'Could you put me ....... to the accounts department, please?' (on the phone)
Q6 - Put the lights ...... when you leave in the evening, please
Q7 - After the lead singer fell ill, they had to put the performance .... for a few days
Q8 - Will you put the cat ..... before you come to bed, please
Q9 - Put a good word ...... for me, please
Q10 - He put a coat .... as it was getting very cold
Q11 - The government put ....... the suggestion but it was very unpopular
Q12 - He was found guilty of rape and put ....... for life
Q13 - Her dog was very ill and in a lot of pain, so she asked the vet to put him ......
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