Poll: CV or Resume?

CV or Resume?

I say CV [American speaker]
I say CV [British speaker]
I say CV [Other Native speaker]
I say CV [Non-Native speaker]
I say Resume [American speaker]
I say Resume [British speaker]
I say Resume [Other Native speaker]
I say Resume [Non-Native speaker]

Statistics Poll Stats

This Poll:

  • Votes: 685
  • Comments: 4
  • Added: April 2004



please give me some advise about how wirte a resume


There is a difference between a curriculum vitae (which is a full accounting of one's work history) and a resume (which is a shortened version, highlighting specific jobs).


During a phone conversation with a lady in Canada I mentioned 'C.V', and she didn't know what I was talking about. So I said 'Curriculum Vitae'. Same response. I eventually said 'Resume', and at that point we understood each other. I was honestly gobsmacked!


cranura is right. Its completly two different things. I too have had people not know what I was talking about when I said CV.

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