Phrasal Verbs - Go ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
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ESL Worksheet: Phrasal Verbs - Go
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - Allowing people to smoke in her house goes ....... her principles
Q2 - I know I promised, but I really can't go ...... with it
Q3 - You go ....... and I'll follow later
Q4 - She went ........ with flu last week
Q5 - She's brought a couple of friends with her; do you think there's enough food to go .........
Q6 - It's getting late; I think we should go ....... home now
Q7 - I was really surprised when my dog attacked the postman; he really went .... him
Q8 - She went ........ her notes before the exam to try to learn every last detail
Q9 - The price of petrol went ..... by five pence, which made motorists very angry
Q10 - I feel so guilty because he spoke about killing himself, but I never thought that he would go ..... with it.
Q11 - She went ........ politics as soon as she had completed her degree
Q12 - A bomb went ....... in the town centre last night
Q13 - She's been going ...... with her boyfriend since they were at university
Q14 - Do brown shoes go ...... a light-grey suit?
Q15 - The price of petrol went ..... last week when the Government reduced the price
Q16 - The day the country became a republic went ....... in history
Q17 - It smells awful; I think the milk's gone .......
Q18 - He went ....... his parents' hopes and became a missionary
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