Phrasal Verbs - Find ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
To access this worksheet as an online activity, view our 'Phrasal Verbs - Find' exercise.
ESL Worksheet: Phrasal Verbs - Find
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - She found ...... that she was adopted when she learnt that her parents were not her biological parents
Q2 - After twenty years, she discovered the truth; she found ..... that her partner was a criminal
Q3 - Even though everybody thought he wasn't guilty, the court found ........ him
Q4 - The judge found ..... the defendant even though everybody believed she was guilty
Q5 - You must keep it secret; I don't want anyone to find .....
Q6 - She told noone about the crime and was surprised when she was found .....
Q7 - Can't you find it ..... your heart to lend them the money?
Q8 - He's a very good liar and is never found ........
Q9 - If you are found guilty, they find ........ you
Q10 - If you are found innocent, they find ....... you
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