Phrasal Verbs - Cut ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
To access this worksheet as an online activity, view our 'Phrasal Verbs - Cut' exercise.
ESL Worksheet: Phrasal Verbs - Cut
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - My phone was cut .... last week because I forgot to pay the bill
Q2 - The engine cut ....... and wouldn't start again
Q3 - She cut ...... smoking from twenty cigarettes a day to ten
Q4 - The tree was blocking light from the living room so I cut it .....
Q5 - The Government has cut ....... a lot of its spending plans
Q6 - My wife always cuts the crossword ....... the newspaper so that it doesn't get thrown away before she's finished
Q7 - If the deal's successful should we cut him ..... it and give him a share?
Q8 - His hand was cut ....... in the accident
Q9 - Those kids are making too much noise; could you tell them to cut it .....
Q10 - Do you think you are really cut ....... a job that involves such responsibility. I think you're too gentle for it
Q11 - Her doctor told her to cut all animal fat ........ her diet completely
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