Phrasal Verbs - Bring ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
To access this worksheet as an online activity, view our 'Phrasal Verbs - Bring' exercise.
ESL Worksheet: Phrasal Verbs - Bring
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - She didn't manage to bring the subject ...... at the meeting because there wasn't enough time
Q2 - The scandal brought the government ......
Q3 - The computer has brought ....... more changes in my life than any other invention
Q4 - The band are bringing ..... a new album in the new year
Q5 - I was brought ....... in the North
Q6 - She brought ..... the deal even though nobody thought she was capable of doing it
Q7 - She brought her children ........ on her own after the divorce
Q8 - Someone who is always unhappy might bring you .......
Q9 - If you're coming tonight, could you bring ......... some CDs
Q10 - The weather brought my cold ......
Q11 - The footballer was brought ..... from behind
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