Phrasal Verbs - Be ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
To access this worksheet as an online activity, view our 'Phrasal Verbs - Be' exercise.
ESL Worksheet: Phrasal Verbs - Be
Instructions: Choose the correct preposition, etc.
Q1 - What's ..... with you- you look so unhappy?
Q2 - All the staff are worried about their jobs because profits are ........ this year
Q3 - They didn't like the film so they left before it was ........
Q4 - Is she ..... yet or is she still in bed?
Q5 - I'm sorry, the milk's ...... . Will black coffee be OK?
Q6 - It's time to go- I'm .......
Q7 - She told him that their relationship was ..... and that she didn't want to speak to him again
Q8 - Are you ........ for the party tonight?
Q9 - What's ..... with him? He looks ill
Q10 - She's asleep; she's not ....... yet
Q11 - Her phone's engaged; she must be .......
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