Phrasal Verbs - Off ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
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ESL Worksheet: Phrasal Verbs - Off
Instructions: Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence
Q1 - His mother was angry and ........ him off for being late
Q2 - The waiter's coughing ..... me off the dinner; I couldn't eat any of it
Q3 - Everybody was surpised when her plan ..... off and she got promoted
Q4 - I was tired and ..... off during the play
Q5 - Jess ...... off her engagement when she found out that her partner had been unfaithful to her
Q6 - Newcastle United ...... off the FA cup last season
Q7 - Fran was so tired that she ........ off during the lecture
Q8 - The college was closed because numbers had been ....... off for years
Q9 - The factory chimneys ....... off a lot of smoke
Q10 - The rain ...... off and they were able to play the match
Q11 - He hates his boss and is always ....... off about her
Q12 - Tourists are often ...... off and pay far too much for what they buy
Q13 - The minister ..... off a load of statistics to defend her department's actions
Q14 - The dog ..... off the burglars, who left without taking anything
Q15 - Lenka started jogging to ....... off the weight she'd put on during the holidays
Q16 - The old man ...... off the two muggers
Q17 - The countries ...... diplomatic relations a few months before they went to war
Q18 - If you are charged too much money for something, you are ....... off
Q19 - I went to the gym to ..... off my anger
Q20 - Please ....... off the grass and stay on the path
Q21 - The burglars were scared ......... when the dog started barking
Q22 - After the deserts, we ....... off the meal with coffee and a whisky
Q23 - She ........ her coat off because it was very hot
Q24 - They're travelling around India for six months; they ........ off this morning for the airport
Q25 - Because it was not a very serious crime, the police ........ her off with just a warning
Q26 - The robbers ........ off with ten thousand pounds
Q27 - It's five thirty so I ........ off home now
Q28 - Although he was guilty, he ........ off without any punishment
Q29 - Her electricity was ........ off because she hadn't paid the bill
Q30 - The plane ........ off on time, but arrived an hour late
Q31 - The car was so badly damaged that the insurance company ........ it off
Q32 - When you leave, could you remember to ........ off the lights please
Q33 - You must ........ off the grass in the park; nobody can walk on it
Q34 - They had to ........ the play off for a fortnight when the leading actor fell ill
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