Animal verbs ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
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ESL Worksheet: Animal verbs
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - When a horse runs as fast as it can, it ........
Q2 - Hens ........ eggs
Q3 - When cats are in danger, they can ........ themselves up to look bigger
Q4 - Cats ........ themselves to wash
Q5 - When a horse walks fairly quickly along, it ........
Q6 - When a horse runs medium-fast, it
Q7 - Birds ........ their wings in order to fly
Q8 - I ........ my dog in the park before breakfast
Q9 - Monkeys are good at ........ trees
Q10 - If a bird like an eagle flies very high in the sky, it ........
Q11 - If a bird flies down very quickly to attack something, it ........
Q12 - Cows ........; they swallow and eat the same food a number of times
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