Telephones ESL Worksheet
ESL Worksheet
Answer Sheet
To access this worksheet as an online activity, view our 'Telephones' exercise.
ESL Worksheet: Telephones
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - The person who answers the phone in a company is the ........
Q2 - If someone is on the phone, their line is ........
Q3 - If someone is on the phone, their line is ........
Q4 - The part of the phone that you hold in your hand is called the ........
Q5 - If you put the phone down because you have finished the conversation, you ........ up
Q6 - If you put the phone down because you are angry, you ring ........
Q7 - You have to ........ a number to speak to someone
Q8 - If you have problems with a phone, you call the
Q9 - If you don't pay your bill, your phone will be cut ........
Q10 - A telephone that has no wires is ........
Q11 - If you need to know a phone number, look it up in the phone ........
Q12 - The ........ pages list business numbers
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