Lesson Plans: Past Tenses
ESL lesson plans for teachers of the English language. Check out our collection of lesson plans filed under the 'Past Tenses' grammar topic.
Past Tenses
Showing 1 - 21 of 21 results

Good and Taboo- Past Progressive Questions
Students rank, ask, answer, analyse and make everyday small talk questions, less common questions and unsuitable questions with Past Continuous.

How long had…? Past Perfect trivia quiz
Students make up false answers to trivia questions with Past Perfect to fool each other with, test each other on their general knowledge, give hints, and analyse the grammar that they just used.

How many… did…? Trivia Quiz Irregular Past Simple practice
Students play a pairwork warmer cooler guessing game with general knowledge questions about the past, then test each other on the irregular verbs they were just using.

If only & I wish Regrets Dice Bluffing Game
A fun Unreal Past lying game, using a dice to decide the topic and regrets sentence starter, with regrets about the present and past grammar presentation.

Irregular Simple Past- Pronunciation and Storytelling
Irregular Past Simple verbs with the same vowel sound pron and speaking

Office Equipment Inventions- Past Tense review
Describing how things were invented with narrative tenses, with Technical English vocabulary

Past numbers trivia board game narrative tenses review
Practising narrative tenses with a guessing numbers board game.

Past Simple Make Me Say Yes- Personalised Speaking Game
Yes/ No Simple Past questions speaking with points for getting positive answers, including typical time expressions with Simple Past sentences.

Past Simple- Small Talk Questions
Typical everyday social English questions with Simple Past review, including typical small talk questions to ask and answer in language classes, and questions for other situations such as before business meetings.

Past Times- Things in Common
Typical time expressions with narrative tenses personalised speaking game in which students find experiences that they share, including matching times to Past Continuous, Past Perfect, etc.

Present Perfect and Simple Past- Small Talk
Have + PP and Past Simple in everyday conversation review, including presentation of the meaning, uses and typical time expressions of those two tenses, and typical small talk questions with classmates and people outside the classroom.

Simple Past Regular Verbs- Pronunciation and Storytelling
The three pronunciations of -ed pronunciation and speaking practice

Simple Past Sentence Completion Guessing Games
Completing sentences with the Past Simple tense games

Talking about festivals and celebrations experiences
Present Perfect and Past Simple oral practice on the topic of what people do during festivals and celebrations like eating special food and staying up all night.

The First Time/Last Time Past Tenses- Extended Speaking
Narrative tenses practice through the first time I... and the last time I... mini-presentations and suggested questions in a range of past tenses.

Unreal Past Sentence Completion
Past tenses for theoretical situations practice through three fun games, all based on typical Unreal Past sentences to complete.

Used to/Would Speaking Game
Past and present habits verb forms speaking through a fun personalised guessing game.

What places used to be called- Trivia Quiz
General knowledge quiz on changes in place names for fun, interesting and educational practice of used to for talking about the past, also useful for learning place names in English and their pronunciation.

What were people doing- Past Continuous trivia quiz
History trivia quiz to present or practise Past Progressive, including an optional grammar presentation contrasting Past Simple and Past Continuous, and a freer speaking stage.
Showing 1 - 21 of 21 results