Lesson Plans & Worksheets: Animals
Showing 1 - 12 of 12 results

Adjectives and Animals- Mix and Match
Funny and sensible matches between animals and adjectives book, cards and table activities.

Animals- Guessing Game and Discussion
Guessing animals then discussing issues related to animals such as animal cruelty.

Basic Questions about Animals
Easy questions practice on the topic of animals, including animal vocabulary games.

Can & Can’t Drawing Coin Game
Modals of ability practice, flipping a coin to decide what to draw, and guessing what the other person's drawings mean, including fun things to sketch like "The beetle can drive a car".

Can a kangaroo drink your blood? Animal Abilities Mix and Match
Students make funny and then serious questions on the abililties of animals to practise can and can't by turning flaps in a book

Describing animals with verbs of senses games
Look like, smell like, taste like etc with animal vocabulary

Do You Like Animals- Personalised Random Pelmanism Card Game
Personal preferences likes and dislikes speaking game with names of animals vocabulary, based on pairs/ the memory game.

Like as a preposition animals quiz
Animals trivia quiz on smells like, looks like, tastes like, etc.

Subject Questions Drawing Game with Animal Vocabulary and Clothes Vocabulary
Students answer subject questions based on drawings of the answers, with amusing examples like a giraffe's scarf and a kangaroo's shoes - also good for animal and clothes vocabulary.

Superlatives- Animal Dimensions Guessing Game
Superlative adjectives and numbers to describe extreme animals
Showing 1 - 12 of 12 results