Lesson Plans: Present Tenses
ESL lesson plans for teachers of the English language. Check out our collection of lesson plans filed under the 'Present Tenses' grammar topic.
Present Tenses
Showing 1 - 48 of 48 results

Business English- Describing Companies with the Present Simple and Progressive
Present Simple and Present Continuous to describe the present activities of businesses, including typical time expressions with different present tenses

Days of the week- Make me say Yes
Students get points for positive answers from personal Present Simple questions with days of the week like "Does your family cook on Sundays?", with more challenging variations for later and better classes.

Good and taboo have and have got questions
Small talk questions with have got for possession and have for actions coin game, with some bad questions to avoid

Good and Taboo- Present Progressive Questions
Students play a fun Present Continuous questions coin game, answering suitable Present Progressive questions for small talk and rejecting strange questions, including useful phrases for politely declining to answer.

He has/She has- Present Simple Games
Eight fun third person singular of have card games, useful for talking about possessions and third person -s, including questions and short answers.

He Likes & She Likes Games
Six fun card games for practising likes, also useful for third person S practice, including third person yes/ no questions and short answers,

How Often- Trivia Quiz
Student A and Student B worksheets with different how often questions for pairwork guessing games, for practice and presentation of both simple and more complex frequency expressions.

Is & Are Drawing Game
Simple and fun practice of Present Simple of be with jobs, family vocabulary, nationality adjectives, etc, starting with guessing the drawings and then presenting the grammar through error correction of the sentences that they just drew and guessed.

Is there/Are there Trivia Quiz
A fun game for there is/ are practice in which students test the general knowledge of their classmates, starting with a quick reactions folding paper game

It is/ They are & my/ your/ his/ her Drawing Game
A fun Present Simple of be and possessive adjectives pick and draw game, with vocabulary of clothes, body parts, toys and transport, and optional colours and other adjectives cards.

Language Learning Ideas- Adverbs of Frequency Discussion
Students discuss how often to do things outside class to improve their English skills, for frequency expressions practice and learner training, with other suggested advice topics as an optional extension.

Medical English- Present Progressive Mimes
Students act out and guess actions related to health and medicine, with medical English vocabulary synonyms presentation and practice.

Present Continuous and Prepositions Drawing Dice Game
Fun Present Progressive and prepositions of location practice by rolling a dice and drawing what comes up in the table, including funny combinations like "I'm walking under a red house".

Present Continuous- Actions in Different Places
Three fun practice games for names of places and Present Progressive, with a guessing game and two drawing games.

Present Progressive and Prepositions of Place- Mix and Match
Funny and sensible prepositions of position and Present Continuous matching activities.

Present Progressive and Simple- Jobs Miming
Easy and fun practice of Present Simple and Continuous through actions to represent jobs, including useful jobs vocabulary and actions at work vocabulary.

Present Progressive for the Present and Future- Simplest Responses Game
Present Continuous for actions in progressive and for future arrangements review, starting with a fun quick reactions game. and including contrasts with other present and future tenses.

Present Progressive- Clothes Drawing Game
Clothes vocabulary and Present Continuous practice through constructing sentences and drawing them, including funny combinations like "The snowman is wearing an orange swimsuit", and optional blank cards.

Present Progressive- Small Talk
Present Continuous in normal everyday chat review for practice of realistic situations like talking to classmates and meeting foreign visitors, including contrasting present and future meanings, and Present Simple and Continuous.

Present Simple (Adverbs of Frequency) Completion Game
Present Simple with adverbs of frequency guessing game

Present Simple and Continuous for Describing Your Company and Job
Using present tenses questions, statements and related time expressions to describe what you do and what your company does to new contacts review, plus an optional bluffing game.

Present Simple and Continuous- Discuss and Agree
Suggested vocabulary/ topics with which to discuss and write present tense opinions - good for intermediate students who still need Present Simple and Progressive practice.

Present Simple and Progressive- Trends and Meetings Practice
Present Continuous and Present Simple situations to discuss in meetings, to remember, to analyse for key words such as time expressions, including useful vocabulary for describing changes with the language of trends.

Present Simple Chain Stories
A fun creative Present Simple speaking activity based on Consequences in which students take turns continuing a story of a typical day by completing the suggested sentences then folding the page, then compare how sensible or silly their stories are.

Present Simple Job Interview Roleplay Game
Students try to find out what good or bad aspects their partner has on their roleplay card, all written with Present Simple for routines/ habits and general facts.

Present Simple Matchmakers Game
Students ask Present Simple questions to find out which of three jobs or countries most match their partner, possible with yes/ no and/ or wh- questions.

Present Simple Men and Women Guessing
Completing Present Simple sentences about different cultures with man, woman, men or women
| Answers

Present Simple Needs Analysis, Presentation and Practice
Students find out about each other and their language study needs with Present Simple questions, good for a first lesson and GTKY.

Present Simple Routines Information Gap
Students use Present Simple to try to find similarities between the routines of the people described on their worksheets, with optional Present Simple suggested questions and clues to help.

Present Simple Sentence Completion Bluff
Students complete typical Present Simple sentences with a mix of true and made-up information, then try to guess which of their partner's sentences are true, including typical key words with Present Simple.

Present Simple Taboo Questions Game
Students classify, ask, answer and write Present Simple questions which are and aren't suitable for everyday conversation, then discuss what topics are generally good and bad.

Present Simple- Ask and Tell Game
A fun Present Simple personal questions coin game based on truth or dare in which students might have to answer their own questions, with useful language for talking about routines and Present Simple question stems.

Present Simple- Guess Who Game
Guessing which of six people your partner chose by asking easy Present Simple questions about their family, appearance, habits, etc.

Present Simple- Personalised Board Game
Speaking game in which students move around a board without a dice by making as many true Present Simple statements about their partner as they can about the word/ topic of the square they are on.

Present Simple- Third Person Guessing Game
Present Simple with final -s speaking games, first guessing the person and then brainstorming descriptions, with useful vocabulary for describing people with Present Simple.

Present Simple- Time Expressions
Present time expressions questions, things in common and opinions speaking card games, with a prepositions of time grammar presentation.

Small Talk in Business- Present Simple Questions
Present Simple questions for small talk in business situations.

Taboo Topics- Present Simple & Continuous Game
Good and bad present tense questions to use and avoid

Third Person Present Tense Questions- Alphabet Game
Initial phonics and third person of Present Simple practice through the fun challenge of trying to answer questions with words starting with each letter of the alphabet.

Third Person Statements- Bluffing Coin Game
Present Simple with -s practice with a coin deciding if students should lie or tell the truth and their partner guessing if it was fact or imagination, followed by controlled practice of negative third person Present Simple.

Time Expressions with the Present Simple
Four adverbs of frequency and times with at, in and on speaking card games and grammar presentation, including asking questions to get particular answers and finding shared personal information.

TV Ads- Present Simple and Present Continuous Presentation and Practice
What happens in real television commercials and what it means to practise Present Progressive and Simple followed by freer practic, good for grammar in Business English classes, especially with students in sales and marketing.
Showing 1 - 48 of 48 results