Forum Policies- Cross-Forum Posting

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Quite a lot of people post the same question in a number of ESL forums. The logic behind doing this is clear- you should be able to access a wider selection fof views and opinions and get better answers. However, things don't always work out the way people think and this process can lead to objections from the people answering.

Firstly, the world of forums about the English language is limited, so many people answer questions in a number of forums. They get tired of seeing the same question over and over again. Many of the questions that are posted simultaneously in a number of forums are basic questions of fact, which means they don't require a lot of answers.

I can see why people want to post in a number of forums, but I would suggest that you don't do it simultaneously- post in one, see what answers you get and then think about posting in another. Also, don't post questions that have a single answer in more than one place. If you follow these simple steps, you'll get better answers from a broader and more friendly base than if you simply slap the same question in ten places in the space of ten minutes and hope for the best.

Categories: Editorial Policies, UsingEnglish Content


Hello. This is frindle2.
I can't access "forum_ask a teacher" page.
Is there any problem with it?
There keeps showing "Pages not found."
Please let me know how to access forum pages.
Thank you,

I have replied to you- check your email. Traffic from South Korea to the forum has been blocked because of a very serious spam attack that has been going on for weeks.


I was not aware that we can not remove our posts .
Would you please ignore my E-Mail that I needed help with?

Please ask a moderator to remove it.

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